Day-ahead prices can be fetched in JSON format, either for the current hour or for a specific day.
For each area (SE1-4), prices and a price category is returned.
SEK prices (price_sek) are in öre/kWh and EUR prices (price_eur) in cent/kWh.
Price category (kmeans) is between 0-3, where 0 is the lowest price category and 3 is the highest.
Classification is done by K-Means clustering for all the prices per area during one calendar day.
Historical prices are available from 2022-09-01.
Request for current hour:, request for specific day:<YYYY-MM-DD>.
Example:, returns:
"date": "2022-10-09",
"SE1": [{
"hour": 20,
"price_eur": 1.43,
"price_sek": 15.51,
"kmeans": 2
"SE2": [{
"hour": 20,
"price_eur": 1.43,
"price_sek": 15.51,
"kmeans": 2
"SE3": [{
"hour": 20,
"price_eur": 1.43,
"price_sek": 15.51,
"kmeans": 2
"SE4": [{
"hour": 20,
"price_eur": 1.43,
"price_sek": 15.51,
"kmeans": 2
Day-ahead prices provided by the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform. Exchange rates provided by Norges Bank.