A simple, text-based, one message, world weather forecast service for Garmin Inreach devices.
This is a service based on data from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute, MET.
World weather forecasts are provided, but the highest resolution forecasts will be given for the Nordic and Baltic countries. Only metric values are supported.
To use the service from your Garmin Inreach device: Send a message with: "next_1_hours" (1 hour resolution, gives coming ~8 hours) or "next_6_hours" (6 hours resolution, gives coming ~2 days) to weather@mgrey.se (empty or other value will default to "next_6_hours"). This will give you a forecast for your current position.
For other positions than the current position add latitude ola_<DD> and longitude olo_<DD> to the message where DD is decimal degrees. For better precision in hilly terrain an own altitude can also be added: oalt_<alt> where alt is the altitude in meters. If altitude is not given an internal topography model is used.
Example 1 hour resolution for current postion, message: next_1_hours
Example 1 hour resolution for position 67.579 17.487 and altitude 2011m, message: next_1_hours ola_67.579 olo_17.487 oalt_2011
The reply will be given as a text string with a maximum size of 160 characters to fit into one Inreach message.
The format is <forecast hour in UTC>t<temperature in C>w<average wind in m/s><winddirection><gust wind in m/s>c<cloud area fraction in %>p<expected precipitation amount for choosen period in dmm>+<next period>
A @<forecast altitude in m> will be added to the end of the message if there are characters left to fit. Consider this as bonus information.
Example 1 hour resolution: 10t18w3NE6c99p0+11t19w4ENE6c50p3
For UTC hour 10: temperature 18C, wind NE at 3m/s, gusts 6m/s, cloud area fraction 99%, 0mm precipitation expected for the coming hour, for UTC hour 11: temperature 19C, wind ENE at 4m/s, gusts 6m/s, cloud area fraction 50%, 0.3mm precipitation expected for the coming hour.
Example 6 hours resolution: 10t0w7SSE12c0p0+16t2w6S11c60p12@650
For UTC hour 10: temperature 0C, wind SSE at 7m/s, gusts 12m/s, cloud area fraction 0%, 0mm precipitation expected for the coming six hours, for UTC hour 16: temperature 2C, wind S at 6m/s, gusts 11 m/s, cloud area fraction 60%, 1.2mm precipitation expected for the coming six hours. The forecast altitude is 650m.
Winds are 10 minute average, gust winds are 3s average (10m above ground). Cloud area fraction is given as 0-99% (for all height clouds). Precipitation is given in 0-99dmm where 99 is 99 or more (? is given if there is no precipitation forecast for the current period).
Only one attempt will be made to send the weather message to Inreach. No error message will be sent if the weather report can not be fetched or if other errors occur.